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Emotion Recognition from Speech Using IG-Based Feature Compensation
作者 Wu, Chung-hsien (Wu, Chung-hsien)Chuang, Ze-jing (Chuang, Ze-jing)
This paper presents an approach to feature compensation for emotion recognition from speech signals. In this approach, the intonation groups (IGs) of the input speech signals are extracted first. The speech features in each selected intonation group are then extracted. With the assumption of linear mapping between feature spaces in different emotional states, a feature compensation approach is proposed to characterize feature space with better discriminability among emotional states. The compensation vector with respect to each emotional state is estimated using the Minimum Classification Error (MCE) algorithm. For the final emotional state decision, the compensated IG-based feature vectors are used to train the Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) and Continuous Support Vector Machine (CSVMs) for each emotional state. For GMMs, the emotional state with the GMM having the maximal likelihood ratio is determined as the final output. For CSVMs, the emotional state is determined according to the probability outputs from the CSVMs. The kernel function in CSVM is experimentally decided as a Radial basis function. A comparison in the experiments shows that the proposed IG-based feature compensation can obtain encouraging performance for emotion recognition.
起訖頁 65-78
關鍵詞 Emotional speechEmotion recognitionIntonation groupFeature compensation
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200703 (12:1期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Manifolds Based Emotion Recognition in Speech
該期刊-下一篇 Emotional Recognition Using a Compensation Transformation in Speech Signal




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