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A Chinese Term Clustering Mechanism for Generating Semantic Concepts of a News Ontology
作者 Lee, Chang-shing (Lee, Chang-shing)Kuo, Yau-hwang (Kuo, Yau-hwang)Liao, Chia-hsin (Liao, Chia-hsin)Jian, Zhi-wei (Jian, Zhi-wei)
In order to efficiently manage and use knowledge, ontology technologies are widely applied to various kinds of domain knowledge. This paper proposes a Chinese term clustering mechanism for generating semantic concepts of a news ontology. We utilize the parallel fuzzy inference mechanism to infer the conceptual resonance strength of a Chinese term pair. There are four input fuzzy variables, consisting of a Part-of-Speech (POS) fuzzy variable, Term Vocabulary (TV) fuzzy variable, Term Association (TA) fuzzy variable, and Common Term Association (CTA) fuzzy variable, and one output fuzzy variable, the Conceptual Resonance Strength (CRS), in the mechanism. In addition, the CKIP tool is used in Chinese natural language processing tasks, including POS tagging, refining tagging, and stop word filtering. The fuzzy compatibility relation approach to the semantic concept clustering is also proposed. Simulation results show that our approach can effectively cluster Chinese terms to generate the semantic concepts of a news ontology.
起訖頁 277-302
關鍵詞 OntologyChinese natural language processingFuzzy inferenceFeature selectionConcept clustering
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200506 (10:2期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Design and Development of a Bilingual Reading Comprehension Corpus




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