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A Study on Noun Sense Disambiguation Based on Syntagmatic Features
作者 王惠
Word sense disambiguation (WSD) plays an important role in many areas of natural language processing, such as machine translation, information retrieval, sentence analysis, and speech recognition. Research on WSD has great theoretical and practical significance. The main purposes of this study were to study the kind of knowledge that is useful for WSD, and to establish a new WSD model based on syntagmatic features, which can be used to disambiguate noun sense in Mandarin Chinese effectively. Close correlation has been found between lexical meaning and its distribution. According to a study in the field of cognitive science [Choueka, 1983], people often disambiguate word sense using only a few other words in a given context (frequently only one additional word). Thus, the relationships between one word and others can be effectively used to resolve ambiguity. Based on a descriptive study of more than 4,000 Chinese noun senses, a multi-level framework of syntagmatic analysis was designed to describe the syntactic and semantic constraints of Chinese nouns. All of these polyseme nouns were surveyed, and it was found that different senses have different and complementary distributions at the syntax and/or collocation levels. This served as a foundation for establishing an WSD model by using grammatical information and a thesaurus provided by linguists.
起訖頁 77-88
關鍵詞 漢語名詞詞義Word Sense Disambiguationsyntagmatic featuresnoun senseChinese Language Information Processing
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200208 (7:2期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 基於「知網」的辭彙語義相似度計算
該期刊-下一篇 「現代漢語新詞語資訊電子詞典」的研究與實現




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