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Locating Boundaries for Prosodic Constituents in Unrestricted Mandarin Texts
作者 Chu, Min (Chu, Min)Qian,Yao (Qian,Yao)
This paper proposes a three-tier prosodic hierarchy, including prosodic word, intermediate phrase and intonational phrase tiers, for Mandarin that emphasizes the use of the prosodic word instead of the lexical word as the basic prosodic unit. Both the surface difference and perceptual difference show that this is helpful for achieving high naturalness in text-to-speech conversion. Three approaches, the basic CART approach, the bottom-up hierarchical approach and the modified hierarchical approach, are presented for locating the boundaries of three prosodic constituents in unrestricted Mandarin texts. Two sets of features are used in the basic CART method: one contains syntactic phrasal information and the other does not. The one with syntactic phrasal information results in about a 1% increase in accuracy and an 11% decrease in error-cost. The performance of the modified hierarchical method produces the highest accuracy, 83%, and lowest error cost when no syntactic phrasal information is provided. It shows advantages in detecting the boundaries of intonational phrases at locations without breaking punctuation. 71.1% precision and 52.4% recall are achieved. Experiments on acceptability reveal that only 26% of the mis-assigned break indices are real infelicitous errors, and that the perceptual difference between the automatically assigned break indices and the manually annotated break indices are small.
起訖頁 61-82
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200102 (6:1期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 The Use of Clustering Techniques for Language Modeling--Application to Asian Language
該期刊-下一篇 Automatic Translation Template Acquisition Based on Bilingual Structure Alignment




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