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A Survey on Automatic Speech Recognition with an Illustrative Example on Continuous Speech Recognition of Mandarin
作者 Lee, Chin-hui (Lee, Chin-hui)Juang, Biing-hwang (Juang, Biing-hwang)
For the past two decades, research in speech recognition has been intensively carried out worldwide, spurred on by advances in signal processing, algorithms, architectures, and hardware. Speech recognition systems have been developed for a wide variety of applications, ranging from small vocabulary keyword recognition over dial-up telephone lines, to medium size vocabulary voice interactive command and control systems on personal computers, to large vocabulary speech dictation, spontaneous speech understanding, and limited-domain speech translation. In this paper we review some of the key advances in several areas of automatic speech recognition. We also illustrate, by examples, how these key advances can be used for continuous speech recognition of Mandarin. Finally we elaborate the requirements in designing successful real-world applications and address technical challenges that need to be harnessed in order to reach the ultimate goal of providing an easy-to-use, natural, and flexible voice interface between people and machines.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 隱藏式馬可夫模型動態規劃法中文語音辨識口語系統Hidden Markov ModelingDynamic ProgrammingSpeech RecognitionAcoustic ModelingMandarin Speech RecognitionSpoken Language Systems
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 199608 (1:1期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-下一篇 Issues in Text-to-Speech Conversion for Mandarin




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