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作者 鄭瑞楠侯勝茂邱浩彰吳鋼治張嘉宇廖佳慧宋佳樺
國家品質標章(SNQ)是讓醫療院所進一步去發掘自己的優勢與特色,所代表的意涵除了excellent quality,同時也是safety and quality 的保障,精神在於如何將知識(know how)複製並推廣出去。在SNQ 機制下,院所間非互相競爭的對手,而是相互學習的榜樣,都是為了全面帶動我國醫療品質的提升以及全體國民健康的促進努力。SNQ 與一般醫院或學會評鑑不同,在於強調優點與創意,醫院導入SNQ,一方面可以促進醫院醫療品質的提升改善,一方面可加深全體員工對品質改善的投入以及優勢特色的展現,提供另一種醫療品質促進的平台及管道,若能從中脫穎而出,更是一項榮耀。
The selection and the award of Symbol of National Quality (SNQ) are to allow medical institutions to discover their own strengths and advantages over its peers. Such honorary bestowment not only represents excellent quality but also safety and quality assurance. The essence of SNQ selection process is to promote and to share known expertise and skills and to duplicate them. In this way, different institutions do not need to be competitors, but are able to learn from each other, resulting in general improvement in medical quality and health of all our citizens in Taiwan. SNQ is different from hospital accreditation process that it places emphasis on strengths and innovations of an institution. During the course of promoting the application of SNQ, a hospital not only attempts to improve its quality, but also allow its staff to be immersed in the process. Furthermore, if during the SNQ selection process that a hospital was awarded a prize, it further brings honors to all involved.
起訖頁 188-194
關鍵詞 醫療品質SNQMedical quality
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 201303 (17:2期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 親善的青少年健康服務
該期刊-下一篇 慢性阻塞性肺病者之自我管理




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