中文摘要 |
Building on previous research, this study proposes that emotion affects the preference for advertised reference prices among consumers. The empirical results demonstrate that study participants in whom a transient positive emotional state is induced by the remembrance of a pleasant event or story tend to perceive a greater transaction value for an advertisement with a reference price than do those in whom a transient negative emotional state is induced. Viewing a short film increases the range of emotion that is experienced by participants beyond that experienced by those who only remember an event; however, both methods produce identical results in inducing an emotional state. Finally, this study suggests that the extent to which consumers use reference price information as an indicator of quality sacrifice or monetary gain is a function of consumer emotions.
基於先前的研究發現,本研究主張消費者情緒將對廣告參考價格產生影響。本研究証實,藉由回憶而引發正向情緒的消費者比那些藉由回憶而發負面情緒的消費者對於廣告的參考價會有較高的交易價值。進一步,研究發現採用觀看影片的回憶方法所引發的情緒效果對廣告參考價亦有相同的影響。最後實驗証實,情緒對廣告參考價格的影響是來自於情緒對參考價格是視為是品質犧牲或金錢的獲得所造成。 |