中文摘要 |
在網際網路盛行的背景下,全球資訊網(WWW)已經成為電子化政府與民眾間的主要界面。我國電子化政府入口網站(我的 e 政府,www.gov.tw)自 2002 年 3 月 20 日成立以來,即扮演民眾與電子化政府間單一溝通窗口的橋樑角色,但根據研考會 2006 年 5 月的調查顯示,我國政府網站的使用率僅有 36%,電子化政府入口網站的使用率更僅有 8%,顯示我國電子化政府網站在推動過程中明顯遭遇了民眾接受度的瓶頸。本研究希望透過服務品質的觀點,瞭解民眾對電子化政府入口網站的服務品質需求,接著再透過服務品質落差模型,探討落差形成的原因。研究結果顯示,網站服務品質模型確實可以有效解釋民眾再使用電子化政府入口網站的意圖。而形成民眾對網站服務品質認知落差的主因,主要是管理者未能真正了解使用者的需求(落差三,認知落差)其次是管理者與使用者對網站品質觀點的差異(落差一,觀點落差)。這些研究結果顯示現今我國推動電子化政府網站的想法仍停留在「便民」,出發點是由上而下,但未來應該要「傾聽民眾的聲音」,讓電子化政府入口網站能夠成為民眾心中真正的「我的 e 政府」。
The Taiwan government strives to deliver better information services and resources to its citizens. In 2002 the government implemented an e-Government portal to encourage citizens to interact directly with government agencies. However, persuading citizens to use this portal is challenging. The current research addresses this challenge and examines the quality divide cause by the cognitive difference between users and administrators of the e-Government portal. Portal users and administrators were surveyed to evaluate the quality of service provided through the e-Government portals. The investigation instrument was based on the conceptual model of service quality proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry. The research findings indicate that a user’s intention of reuse of an e-Government portal is highly associated with the portal’s service quality factors. The findings also identify the major cognitive differences between users and administrators of an e-Government portal resulting in a low usage rate of an e-Government portal. Suggestions for application by government officials and practitioners are discussed. |