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作者 梁榮輝方顯光邱金昌
隨著全球筆記型電腦的需求量持續增加,各廠家紛紛投入擴充生產線,導致產能過剩,削價競爭遂變成解決生產過剩的唯一解決之道。台灣筆記型電腦廠商正面臨著極其關鍵的轉捩點,如何建立及維持其競爭優勢,為台灣筆記型電腦廠商必須正視的議題。故此,本研究將以 2001~2004 年間台灣地區筆記型電腦產業廠商之經營效率進行探討,並利用產業特性與其經營效率之關聯,以利筆記型電腦產業之廠商評估技術效率、純粹技術效率與規模效率,做為廠商經營決策與相關單位在衡量及制定之參考依據。因而本文採用資料包絡法(DEA)與生產力變動指數(MPI)衡量筆記型電腦廠商的經營績效。實證結果顯示,就效率而言,技術效率值愈高,表示其對於投入要素能有效的被運用,以達到產出極大化的目標。就效率變動而言,2001~2004 年間生產力有成長的家數為 15 家,下滑的家數有 6 家。就差額變數及敏感性分析而言,國內地區筆記型電腦產業多為員工人數過多,而造成無形的浪費,且從本研究分析得知,固定資產這項因素對國內筆記電腦產業的影響最鉅。
According to situation of the global notebook demand is increasing, every manufactory expands their product lines in order to meet this requirement. However, it results in excess of notebook production, and price reduced becomes the only one method to solve this problem.How to build and maintain the competitive advantage is becoming the important issue for Taiwan notebook companies right now. Therefore, this research discusses the operation efficiency among these all Taiwan notebook companies from 2001 to 2004. Furthermore, for companies make the operation efficiency and related units to set up the efficiency target, they will take the technical efficiency, the pure technical efficiency, and the scale efficiency into account. So, we will use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) to measure the efficiency of notebook industry in Taiwan.Since the result indicates when input factors are managed efficiently, that will generate the higher technical efficiency value. And, that will achieve the target of the output maximum as well. O e operation efficiency of notebook companies. n the part of the efficiency variable,15 companies grew their productivity from 2001 to 2004, and 6 companies decreased at that moment.In the point of the slack variable and the sensitivity analysis, the reason for invisible waste is over hiring employees in domestic notebook companies. In addition, from this research, we can find that fixed assets are the most important element to affect the domestic notebook industry.
起訖頁 98-120
關鍵詞 資料包絡法生產力變動指數筆記型電腦技術效率差額變數敏感性分析Data envelopment analysisMalmquist productivity indexNetebookTechnical efficiencySlack variableSensitivity analysis
刊名 華人經濟研究  
期數 200609 (4:2期)
出版單位 中華兩岸事務交流協會
該期刊-上一篇 運用要素計點法建構職位評價指標之研究——以科技製造廠為例




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