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The Decision-making Experience of Unmarried Females in Intimate Partner Violence Relationships
作者 楊嘉玲趙淑珠 (Shu-Chu Cho)
For approximately almost two decades, clinicians and researchers have recognized the presence of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the lives of women in Taiwan. Researches documented the detrimental physical and mental health effects associated with IPV for women. These studies focused primarily on the experience of married women in abusive relationships. However, the issue of unmarried battered females in intimate partner violence relationships deserves consideration.Therefore, the purpose of this research is to bridge the gap by exploring unmarried females in intimate partner violence relationships to better understand what experience that females have been through provokes decision making. Semi-constructive and in-depth interviews were carried out upon two unmarried females of which one female still remained in violent relationship, while the other has terminated the relationship.In addition, a qualitative research approach was also adopted in analyzing the collected data.The results indicated that terminating an abusive relationship was a complex process rather than a single event. The process of termination might take years as well multiple attempts before they permanently left the abusive partners. Synthesizing two females’ decision-making experiences, the general process could be divided into three stages: (a) Stay in the violent relationship~ struggling with guiltiness, and pacing back and forth between pain and happiness (b) Make on-the-spot decision to leave ~ deciding passively (c) Change after leaving~ self-growth. It isworth mentioning that the so-called ..good woman incantation.. imposed by the society and the culture limits the realms of possibilities from which these women may choose, thereby creating hindrance in the choice they make .
起訖頁 043-067
關鍵詞 未婚受暴女性抉擇經驗伴侶暴力decision-making experienceunmarried battered femalesintimate partner violence
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 200911 (31:2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 大學生困擾揭露、非社會支持反應與憂鬱之關係研究
該期刊-下一篇 藝術治療:癌末病患的生命手杖




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