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A Comparative Study of Relationship Quality of Same-sex Couples and Married Couples in Taiwan
作者 謝文宜 (Wen-Yi Shieh)蕭英玲 (Ying-Ling Hsiao)曾秀雲 (Hsiu-Yun Tseng)
本研究主要目的有二:(1)探索在不同性取向的伴侶關係中,個體所追求的關係品質之內涵是否受到傳統家族主義與追求純粹伴侶關係個體化的影響而有所差異。(2)檢視同志伴侶的關係品質是否與已婚夫妻的關係品質有所差異。本研究採立意取樣,受試者年齡在20 至45 歲之間,針對回收90位同志與128 位已婚者的問卷進行比較分析。研究結果,從開放性問題的內容分析來看,無論是同志伴侶或是已婚夫妻均著重關係品質中雙方情感的基礎,共同的信念、有效的經營關係行為(例如:多溝通、多包容、少爭吵)及伴侶間的情感(尤其是信任之情)為關係美滿與否重要的辨別元素,其實質內涵不因個體性取向的不同而有所差別,進而在講求親子與家族互動的家族主義中,彰顯出亟欲追求純粹伴侶關係經營的張力。從封閉式問題所進行的多變量變異數分析來看,同志伴侶正面與負面關係品質均較已婚夫妻來的高。在幸福與關係滿意度的感受上,同志伴侶與已婚夫妻極為相似,在伴侶互動頻率上,女同志略高於已婚女性;至於在負面關係品質的討論上,礙於同志伴侶關係經營的純粹性,缺乏外在社會性支持的力量,關係不穩定的程度明顯高於已婚夫妻。至於在有無子女的比較上,同志伴侶與沒有子女的已婚夫妻,大部分以相同的模式運作著。
The present study aims to (1) explore how the quality of a relationship is influenced by traditional family values and the pursuit of couple relationship per se among couples of different sexual orientations, and (2)whether there is a difference in the quality of relationship betweensame-sex couples and married couples. Purposeful sampling was applied. The participants ranged from 20 to 45 years old, and comparative analysis was based on responses from 90 same-sex partners and 128 married partners. Content analysis from open questions indicated that both same-sex and married couples emphasized mutual affection as the foundation of their relationship. For both groups, shared values, productive relational behaviors (e.g., more communication, more tolerance, less fight) and love between partners (especially trust) are important elements for a satisfying relationship. The quality of the relation is not influenced by sexual orientation. In terms of parental and family dynamics, cultivating resilience in the couple relationship is critical. MANOVA analysis of the questionnaires showed that same-sex couples scored higher for positive and negative relationship qualities than for married couples. Both same-sex and married couples scored similarly for feelings of happiness and relationship satisfaction. In the frequency of couple interaction, lesbian couples scored higher compared to married females.In terms of relationship maintenance, due to the lack of social support for same-sex couples, their relationship is significantly more unstable than for married couples. In the context of offspring, most of the same-sex couples and married couples without children operate in similar ways in their relationships.
起訖頁 001-021
關鍵詞 同志伴侶已婚夫妻關係品質same-sex couplesrelationship qualitymarried couples
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 200911 (31:2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-下一篇 大學生困擾揭露、非社會支持反應與憂鬱之關係研究




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