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An Action Research on Guiding Pre-service Teachers to Design Games with Creative Thinking Strategies in the Teaching of Social Studies
作者 白雲霞
近年來社會學習領域融入更多元的教學方法豐富學習,許多社會學習領域教師常 使用遊戲來進行教學、遊戲評量等方式進行課堂,而遊戲教學也被許多研究證實能有 效引起學生學習動機,但反觀社會科學習領域之教學遊戲卻鮮少被開發,是故,本研 究欲藉由創造思考之行動策略來幫助師資生創作社會學習領域教學遊戲,同時瞭解其 創作教學遊戲的歷程及其對教學遊戲創作的看法。本研究採行動研究法,並在其中透過觀察、文件分析及深入晤談法蒐集資料並加 以分析。本研究結論如下:(一)社會學習領域的遊戲創意發想對師資生的助益為:1. 讓師資生瞭解遊戲在教學中的效益;2.有助於師資生對創造思考策略的運用、教學信 念以及自我概念;3.師資生瞭解教學創作應考量使用者的需求與身心發展情形。(二) 師資生創作社會學習領域遊戲最大的困難在於遊戲的連貫性與統整性、如何產生完整 清楚的遊戲規則與課室教學的秩序管理。(三)師資生較常使用的創造思考技術為腦力 激盪法、聯想法、淘汰法、六w檢討法、重組法、檢核表技術、缺點列舉法與希望列 舉法。(四)師資生較常需要教師提醒或引導才使用的創思技巧為:習慣改變法、屬性 列舉法、分合法、強力組合法。
In recent years, social studies teachers have incorporated various teaching methods in interesting and engaging ways; for example, games can serve as teaching activities and assessments for facilitating learning. Moreover, the effects of games as class activities to increase students’ learning motivation have been proved positive in numerous studies; however, this teaching methodology has been undervalued in social studies teaching. This research aims to guide pre-service teachers to design games in social studies classes through the use of creative strategies. Pre-service teachers were asked to apply their game teaching projects in practice and then revise them based on the feedbacks of practical teaching. Data were collected on classroom observations, document analysis and in-depth interviews. The results of this study suggest the benefits of using creative strategies to apply games in social studies teaching. It also reveals some difficulties that pre-service teachers encountered while designing games. It is found that the most commonly used creative strategies while designing games in social studies classes are brainstorming, associating, eliminating, 5W1H thinking, random organizing, checking listing, disadvantage listing and advantage listing. Besides, through this project, the pre-service teachers have a greater understanding of positive effects of game teaching. This study not only helps pre-service teachers use creative strategies in designing teaching games, but also enhances their teaching beliefs and self-concept. It is worth noting that pre-service teachers need more instructions and guidance while designing game teaching through some creative methodologies such as the example of habit, attribute list, synectics and forced relationships.
起訖頁 075-106
關鍵詞 社會學習領域遊戲教學創造力創造思考教學師資生social studiesgame teachingcreativitycreative teachingpre-service teachers
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 201206 (21期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「通識與專業課程統整」:一所專校護理科的實施模式與敎師改變




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