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The research of integration in argumentation instruction and creative problem-solving instruction
作者 林官蓓林顯輝
論證教學與創造力問題解決教學存在許多共通之處,本研究的目的即是在探討教\r師如何設計開放性的科學議題,來進行整合論證教學與創造力問題解決教學,並探討\r此整合教學的設計與教學原則。透過質性研究方式蒐集並分析資料,本研究發現:1.創造力問題解決與論證教學的整合關鍵在於教師能夠設計開放性議題,讓學生主動 去探索與學習,再藉由小組討論互動中進行論證與創造,\r2.資料蒐集、整理與閱讀,是學生參與創造力與論證活動所面臨的首要問題,學生藉 由多元的探索活動,配合教師提供的諮詢與引導,能增進論證與創造力整合學習之 豐富度與興趣。\r3.整合論證與創造力教學中,教師除了需對論證的結構與意涵要有深刻的理解外,亦 需能安排與組織具備創造力的學習環境,並配合學生的能力、興趣與先備知識,讓 他們更有機會與同儕進行互動與溝通,在彼此的意見交流中培養論證與創造的能力。\r4.論證學習中有關小組協商、合作、批判、質疑等過程,是可以與創造力問題解決的 思考歷程相輔相成。在小組與同儕的討論中,學生間彼此的提問與質疑,存在著引 發進一步發揮創造力的潛能,此也是創造力問題解決表現的機會,如發現問題、設 計問題解決方案、執行問題解決方案,以及評估問題解決方案等歷程,均可能在小 組合作的學習中表現出來。
National Pingtung University of Education Meiho University of TechnologyThis study sought to explore how teachers design open-ended scientific questions to integrate argumentation instruction and creative problem-solving instruction, as well as to explore the design and teaching principles of this integrated instruction. The researchers used qualitative method to collect and analyze data. The findings were as follows:1. The key point of integration in argumentation instruction and creative problem-solving instruction was that teachers could design open-ended questions for students to explore and learn actively. And then through group discussion, students could produce argumentation and creativity during the process.2. To collect and read the relevant information were the main problem for students who participated in the activities of argumentation and creative problem-solving. Through multiple exploratory activities and teachers’ guides, it could promote students’ interests in the integrated learning.3. To improve students’ abilities of argumentative and creative problem-solving skills, the teachers needed to have deeper understanding in how to design an inquiry-based and students-center learning environment. The teachers also needed to encourage students to communicate and share their ideas with each other based on students’ abilities, interests, and prior knowledge.4. The ability of argumentation and creative problem-solving were complementary to each other in which students cooperated, negotiated and discussed the possible solution in an open-end-question environment. Students could share their creative ideas in such environment and their cognitive operations of making arguments and creative thinking were working in the same time. The Teachers then had the opportunities to integrate and improve students’ high order thinking skills, such as argumentation and creative problem-solving skills.
起訖頁 103-124
關鍵詞 論證教學創造力問題解決教學教師專業成長argumentation instructioncreative problem solving instructionteachers’ professional development
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 201112 (20期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 新移民子女的人際關係與幸福感之研究




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