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Lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics%2C and its associations with work attitudes
作者 林惠彦陸洛佘思科
本研究衍伸Edwards(1991)個人與工作契合之需求與供給概念,探討工作者之 工作價值觀與工作現況之間是否存在不契合之情況,並進一步討論工作價值不契合對 個人之工作態度的關聯。\r本研究依據Super(1970)「工作價值觀量表」及其他學者的相關建構,將工作價 值觀分為七個項目:工作保障、高收入、升遷機會、工作有趣、工作獨立、可幫助人 與回饋社會,以自陳式量表方式施測。\r研究資料來自「台灣社會變遷基本調查」計劃,選取1,122位全職工作者為分析 對象。主要研究結果為:\r1.工作價值觀與工作現況間之落差,對工作滿足、組織承諾、離職傾向具有解釋 力。2.個別預測因子為:(1)保障落差、收入落差、升遷落差與有趣落差可預測工作 滿足。
The purpose of the study is two-fold: to describe psychological preferences of job characteristics among Taiwanese employees; to examine the effects of lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics on employees’ work attitudes and life satisfaction.Our analyses were based on data from 2005 Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), using nationwide representative sample of 1,122 individuals with full-time jobs. Both personal preferences and actual job characteristics were measured basing on Super’s (1970) Work Values Scale, including seven dimensions: job security, income, promotion, interesting work, independence, helping people, and benefiting the society. Main findings are as below:1. Overall lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics has negatively related to employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and positively related to employees’ turnover intention.2. Lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics along dimensions of job security, income, promotion, and interesting work predicted employees’ job satisfaction; those along dimensions of job security, income, interesting work and helping people predicted employees’ organizational commitment; those along dimensions of job security, promotion, interesting work and benefiting the society predicted employees’ turnover intention.
起訖頁 013-030
關鍵詞 工作價值觀工作價值落差工作滿足組織承諾離職傾向psychological preferences of job characteristics (work values)lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristicsjob satisfactionorganizational commitmentand turnover intention
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 201106 (19期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 華人心理傳統性與心理現代性研究之回顧與前瞻
該期刊-下一篇 首次離家大學女生對家的觀感一初探研究




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