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Richard Rorty無鏡哲學敎育蘊義之研究
The study of the implication of Rorty’s philosophical thoughts on education
作者 李芳森
本研究旨在探討羅狄(Richard Rorty)新實用主義中的無鏡哲學對教育的蘊義。 羅狄從一種激進的後現代觀點,竭力於終結源於柏拉圖的鏡式哲學傳統。他認為,大 寫真理是西方傳統哲學的核心議題;形上學作為西方哲學的主要成分,是禁錮人類思 想,造成心靈空乏的源頭所在。對於這種大寫真理和大寫哲學的拒斥,是當前人們必 須的堅持和體認。在反傳統鏡式哲學中,羅狄要求當代哲學必須融入人類對話之中,充當文化的批 判者,進而對知識論内容加以改造,達成創造的標的。在教育哲學的施為上,應以自 我文化的體認與實踐做為達成目標的手段;讓哲學褪去優位特權的面貌,使之成為「襯 托生命自由自在的花朵」,我們必須開啟對話文化這扇新文化工業的門扉。\r羅狄的希望的政治學並不吹捧大寫的哲學家,他反將詩人比擬為文化英雄,他期 待這些詩人同時也能成為文化批評家,這就是所謂的「羅狄工業」。
The study of the implementation of Rorty’s philosophical thoughts, especially those of so called the philosophy without mirror, on education.This study is to find out the implementation of Rorty’s philosophical thoughts. Rorty’s critique of so-called “pattern-philosophy“ and meta-physics which derived from Plato, those are often named as Philosophy and Truth.After depriving of the crown of Philosophy, Rorty claims that Philosophy must change to be a type of human conversations. As a part of educational contents, those cultural conversations of human praxis must be suggested. As the deprival of the privilege of Philosophy, we must let it be a new flower accompanied with human life. Let us expect it come true.In the meanwhile, Rorty is respects nothing of the Philosopher, his politics of hope regards the poet as culture heroes, and the intellectual must act following as those heroes, and to be cultural critics, too. This is so called Rorty’s industry.
起訖頁 059-089
關鍵詞 大寫真理無鏡哲學羅狄工業Truthphilosophy without mirrorRorty’s industry
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 201106 (19期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 首次離家大學女生對家的觀感一初探研究




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