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Validity and Reliability of Qualitative Research in Education
作者 王文科王智弘 (Chih-Hung Wang)
質的研究和量的研究有其差異性和密切關係,有的論者以爲量的研究所追求者, 質的研究亦應寄予重視,信度和效度即爲其中之即使使用名稱雖有不同,但是性質亦 頗相近。本文根據可信賴性和暸解二項品質,探討質的研究的效度,前者又分成可信 性和可遷移性。另就涉及研究的客觀性的可確認性,一併予以分析;進而申述提升質 的研究效度的可行策略。至於瞭解的品質則分從描述效度、詮釋效度、學理效度、可 概括性、和評鑪效度予以分析。最後析述質的研究信度,以可依賴性爲主轴探索,並 據以闡釋可以提升信度效標的各項可行策略。其中,在提升質的研究效度、信度和客 觀性的諸項策略中,三角交叉、同儕或參與者評述、外界審核機制,和延長田野工作 時間等策略似具有共同性。
The article explored the difference and relationship between qualitative and quantitative research paradigm, using trustworthiness and understanding as criteria, to assess validity of qualitative research and confirmability to confirm objectivity of qualitative research , and dependability of qualitative research to measure reliability. To analyze validity of qualitative research, trustworthiness was classified into topics of credibility and transferability, and understanding was included descriptive, interpretive, theoretical, and evaluative validity and generalization. Then, approaches for enhancing each validity were proposed. The procedure of processing objectivity and reliability is the same as validity. Triangulation, peer briefing, participant review, external audit trail, and prolonged on-site work were more important ways among strategies for enhancing validity, reliability, and objectivity of qualitative research. The nature of enhancing reliability strategies of qualitative research may vary, but the terms, such as intra-rater agreement and intra-rater agreement /inter-observer agreement are similar to those in quantitative research, and the same as strategies of multiple observations, member checking and participant review for validity of qualitative research .
起訖頁 029-050
關鍵詞 質的研究信度效度可信賴性瞭解可確認性qualitative researchvalidityreliabilitytrustworthinessunderstandingconfirmability
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 201006 (17期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 大學學生事務經營項目相對權重評估之研究
該期刊-下一篇 敎師經由專業發展及敎學創新提升學生創造力經驗之探究一敘說取向




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