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A Content Analysis of Geometry Materials in Elementary Mathematics Textbook of Taiwan%2C China and Hong Kong
作者 徐偉民 (Wei-Min Hsu)林美如
本研究旨在探討台灣、中國與香港兩岸三地國小數學教科書,幾何教材內容呈現的情形。研究對象為台灣九年一貫課程康軒數學、中國義務教育課程標準實驗教科書和香港二十一世紀現代數學。本研究採用內容分析法進行分析,來比較兩岸三地幾何教材教學目標和教材呈現的異同。結果發現,兩岸三地幾何教材在概念編排的組織和順序上,均符合van Hiele幾何認知發展理論,不過幾何教材內容的呈現有各自的特色與著重的焦點:中國幾何教材注重空間概念的發展,並融入幾何史的內容;香港幾何教材重視操作與生活化,且內容範圍較深較廣;台灣教科書多呈現開放性問題,空間概念的呈現較少。本研究的結果,可做為教科書編輯或教師教學時之參考。
The purposes of this study were to compare the differences of geometry instructional materials at the elementary school level which were used in Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong. The instructional materials reviewed in this study are the Kang-Hsuan textbooks used in Taiwan, the offcial version of geometry used in China, and the 21-century textbooks used in Hong Kong. The methodology adopted is content analysis. The categories of textbook materials were mainly derived from van Hiele’s theory that was used to explore the characteristics and differences of geometric concepts represented in the textbooks among the three regions. The fndings of this study revealed a remarkable matching between the arrangements of geometry concepts and the curriculum objectives and the developmental theory of geometry concept-thinking from van Hiele. Chinese textbooks in geometry emphasized mathematics history and space concepts more than the other two regions. The Hong Kong textbooks were broader and deeper in contents than those used in the other two regions. They also provided more hands-on opportunities and realistic examples for students. The Taiwan textbooks, on the other hand, presented more open-ended questions to stimulate students’ thinking and discussion than those used in the other regions. Yet, they contained less space-related concepts than those used in China and Hong Kong
起訖頁 047-073
關鍵詞 內容分析法國小教科書幾何教材Content analysisElementary school textbookGeometry materials
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 200912 (16期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 潛在課程取向及其對教育機會均等之啟示
該期刊-下一篇 大學生的獨處能力與其生活壓力、相關變項之關係研究--以臺灣中部大學生為例




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