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The Formation of a Caring Community in Classroom
作者 梁金都
The study is aimed at understanding the way of forming a caring community in elementary classroom settings. Primarily, qualitative approach was taken and six teachers from Z elementary school chosen as the participants of this study. Comprehensive data was collected through four focus group interviews to further comprehend the formation of a caring community in the classroom. Lastly, the conclusions are as follows. First, the long-term and steady relationship is the prerequisite four building a caring community in small classrooms. Secondly, paying much attention to students’ needs of a warm and acceptable relationship is an important foundation as well. Third, the curriculum designed to focus on students’ life experience is the internal factor of the caring community in classroom. Fourth, mutual recognition for cooperative learning is the fundamental consideration of the caring community in classroom. Fifth, holding activities with loving and caring characteristics is the critical strategy of its implementation. Consequently, the issues of dependence and justice frequently challenge the formative process of a caring community in classrooms
起訖頁 001-029
關鍵詞 關懷社區班級社區社區感A caring communityA sense of communityCommunity of classroom
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 200912 (16期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-下一篇 潛在課程取向及其對教育機會均等之啟示




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