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The Effects of Incorporating the Model of Multiple Intelligences with the Cognitive and Affective Intervention for Early Entrants
作者 王文伶 (Wen-Ling Wang)鄭友泰 (Yu-Tai Chen)楊萬教
The main purpose of this study was: (a) to explore gifted early entrants’ multiple intelligences (MI), (b) to propose a cognitive and affective intervention program refecting the MI Model, and (c) to investigate the effects of the MI program. The participants consisted of 25 northern Taiwanese early entrants in 2007 from Taipei county, Tauyuan county (city), and Hsinchu county (city). In this study, teachers perceived that early entrants’ logical-mathematical and verbal-linguistic intelligence got the highest mean scores while their musical intelligence got the lowest mean score on a MI assessment. The researcher assigned students to a treatment group participating in the intervention program or a comparison group in a control condition. There were significant differences in adaptation between pre- and post-test scores for the treatment group, but no significant differences for the comparison group. After the intervention, the treatment group also made significantly greater gains than the comparison group on verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, and musical intelligence. Likewise, students’ emotional and behavioral problems showed considerable decrease. The results suggest that a program aiming to enhance gifted students’ cognitive and affective development is benefcial for gifted early entrants and MI model is helpful when teachers and counselors look for an effective intervention to support early entrants’ adaptation and development.
起訖頁 089-120
關鍵詞 多元智能提早入學資優生認知與情意輔導課程Cognitive and affective interventionEarly entrantsMultiple intelligences
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 200906 (15期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 國小藝術與人文學習領域音樂教師音樂欣賞教學策略運用之探究
該期刊-下一篇 家長社經地位與數學學習動機對數學學業成就之研究--以國中基本學力測驗數學領域為例




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