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Empirical Measurements of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Co-Axial Rotor Systems
作者 Stephen D. Prior (Stephen D. Prior)Jonathon C. Bell (Jonathon C. Bell)
Small unmanned aerial vehicles (SUAV) are beginning to dominate the area of intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) in forward operating battlefield scenarios. Of particular interest are vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) variants. Within this category co-axial rotor designs have been adopted due to their inherent advantages of size and power to weight ratio. The inter-rotor spacing attribute of a co-axial rotor system appears to offer insight into the optimum design characteristic. The H/D ratio has been cited as a significant factor in many research papers, but to date has lacked an empirical value or an optimal dimensionless condition. In this paper the H/D ratio of a SUAV has been explored thoroughly, reviewing the performance of these systems at incremental stages, the findings from this study have shown that a range of H/D ratios in the region of (0.41-0.65) is advantageous in the performance of SUAV systems. This finding lends itself to the theory of inter-rotor spacing as a non-dimensionally similar figure, which cannot be applied across a spectrum of systems; this could be attributed to the viscous losses of flight at low Reynolds Numbers (< 50,000).
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 Unmanned Aerial VehicleCo-AxialRotorH/D RatioEmpirical Measurements.
刊名 Journal of Science and Innovation  
期數 201101 (1:1期)
出版單位 臺灣知識創新學會
該期刊-下一篇 Formation of Gallium Nitride Films on Silicon Substrate by Low-Temperature RF Sputter




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