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Implementation of disaster preparedness education in Kenya
作者 許以霖林志豪 (Chih-Hao Lin)蔡明哲
Taiwan's disaster preparedness curriculum was introduced to Kenya in 2008. The authors report how a team of emergency department personnel from Taiwan assisted Kenyan medical authoritìes with institutional and community programs in disaster prevention, preparedness, and healthcare and shared their knowledge on how to establish information, surveillance, and networking systems to facilitate the success of these programs. This knowledge was shared in a two-week course on disaster management with various modules and training equipment for disaster preparedness in collaboration with the authors' Kenyan counterpart, Great Lakes University in Kisumu. The authors used project development planning too1s which included needs assessment, stakeholder engagement, partnership formation, and proper budgeting. Fifty students representing various levels of private and public health care facilities from six districts in Kenya participated in the course. The results of this course evaluation revealed that most of the students were satisfied with the course content. 2008年台灣一群急診及災難醫學專家於非洲肯亞率先導入災難應變準備教育課程,以當地社區的醫療人員、公衛官員為訓練對象,結合該區在地各級醫院與當地社區大學師生的力量,展開包含了災難預防、災難準備、醫療照護等面向的教育紮根工作。並且協助當地建構資訊通報系統,疫病偵測機制,網路建設等基礎工程,務實地促成該計劃的成功。本文介紹教育訓練的內容、實施方式、各類訓練模組及訓練裝備,與肯亞當地的合作夥伴一大湖大學師生們一如何藉由開發計劃的步驟,自需求評估著手,夥伴關係之建立和互動互信的增強完成建構工程,共計五十名來自六個不同地區公、私立機構的學員參與本計劃,實施後的評估亦獲得相當正面的迴響。
起訖頁 73-78
關鍵詞 災難應變準備教育風險桌上模擬演練實兵演練disaster preparedness educationhazardstabletop exercisefield exercise
刊名 中山醫學雜誌  
期數 201212 (23:2期)
出版單位 中山醫學大學
該期刊-下一篇 不同血清型腺病毒感染肺癌細胞株A549所分泌之前發炎細胞激素研究




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