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Examining the Student Teaching System in Taiwan under the Framework of Teacher Education Act
作者 曾大千陳炫任
中小學師資培育制度係我國教改浪潮中的主要改革重點之一,相關法制在朝向多元化變革之架構下,均不外期盼培育優質師資,以藉此達成其他教育改革的理想。而在整體師培程序中,實習制度又扮演著「承理論課程之先」並「啟教育實務之後」的關鍵角色;從《師範教育法》到1994 年修正名稱後的《師資培育法》及其多次修正,教育實習之定位與內涵即曾一再變遷,甚且未來仍有更行調整的發展態勢。然而,在變遷與調整過程中,亦不免存在若干問題與盲點;據此,本文將從法制觀點分析我國教育實習制度之變遷歷程,並在相關法令規範的整體發展脈絡下,針對過往迄今不同階段的教育實習制度進行問題討論。此外,本文並將參照國外教育實習規劃及我國其他專業領域的實習方式,以試圖對我國未來教育實習制度之運作內涵提出建言。
Teacher education was a major concern of the education reform in Taiwantoward the end of the last century. Since then, related teacher education regulations have been headed toward a greater diversity in response to the education reform.Student teaching has been playing a decisive part in teacher education as it requires student teachers to integrate theory with practice. The student teaching system in Taiwan went through several transitions, and currently the term of internship has been minimized from one to half a year. Yet, there are several hidden issues behind thechanges. This paper attempts to explore whether a better system exists both to promote the quality of teacher education and to guarantee the rights of the students in teacher education programs. This paper explores the existing problems in the developments and transitions of the student teaching system in Taiwan from a legal perspective. In addition, it also examines internship in other professions, as well as how student teaching is planned and organized in other countries in order to provide suggestions for further improvements of the situations in Taiwan.
起訖頁 143-164
關鍵詞 師資培育教育法教育實習Teacher educationEducation lawStudent teaching
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201012 (9:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 國中導師僕人式領導之初探
該期刊-下一篇 青少年希望感量表之建構




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