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A Study of the Relationships between Peer Teacher Curriculum Leadership and Professional Development of Elementary School Teachers in Taipei County
作者 丁雪華徐超聖
本研究旨在探討國民小學教師同儕課程領導與專業發展的關係,以自編的「臺北縣國民小學教師同儕課程領導與專業發展調查問卷」作為研究工具,而以分層隨機抽樣的方式,抽取臺北縣公立國民小學的615 名教師進行施測及資料蒐集。根據統計分析結果,本研究獲致以下結論:一、臺北縣國小教師同儕課程領導行為的表現已達中等以上程度,其在性別、年齡、服務年資、擔任職務等個人背景變項上有顯著差異,而在學校背景變項上無顯著差異。二、臺北縣國小教師專業發展行為的表現已達中等以上程度,其在性別、年齡、服務年資等個人背景變項上有顯著差異,而在學校背景變項上無顯著差異。三、臺北縣國小教師同儕課程領導整體與教師專業發展整體及各層面為中度相關,而「協作檢討精進教學」為教師專業發展整體及各層面中最有力的預測變項,整體而言,國小教師同儕課程領導各層面對教師專業發展各層面與整體具有相當預測力。最後,根據研究結果,研提國小教師同儕課程領導與專業發展的具體建議,以供相關教育行政單位、學校單位、教師個人及後續相關研究之參考。
The purposes of the study were to investigate the relationships between peer teacher curriculum leadership and professional development of elementary school teachers. The research method of this study was to use self-developed questionnaire survey. The samples consisted of 615 teachers in Taipei County selected by proportional stratified sampling method. Statistical methods were adopted to analyze the collected data from questionnaires. The major findings were presented in the following:1. The performance of peer teacher curriculum leadership among elementaryschool teachers in Taipei County was above medium level. The differences were significant among personal background variables such as gender, age, year of service,and job position. While there were no significantdifferences among school background variables.2. The performance of professional development of elementary school teachers in Taipei County was above medium level. The differences were significant among personal background variables such as gender, age, year of service, and job position.While there were no significant differences among school background variables.3. There was a positive correlation at medium level existed between the performance of peer teacher curriculum leadership and professional development of elementary school teachers in Taipei County in the overall and each dimension.Cooperation and Review to elaborate teaching” was the most powerful predictive variable in overall and each dimension of teacher’s professional development.Finally, practical suggestions to educational administrative organization, schoolorganization, teachers, and future research were offered based on the research outcomes
起訖頁 001-029
關鍵詞 課程領導教師同儕課程領導教師專業發展Curriculum leadershipPeer teacher curriculum leadershipTeacher professional development
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201012 (9:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-下一篇 論系譜學方法與主體化倫理問題之分析




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