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J.G. Henderson轉型課程領導的領導意涵研究
A Study on Leadership of J.G. Henderson's Transformative Curriculum Leader
作者 何慧群林政逸 (Jeng-Yi Lin)
鑑於學校教育績效不彰,Henderson提出轉型課程領導理念,期以孕育精緻教學與 確保教學品質O轉型課程領導將由學生、教師、家長、學校行政人員與社區成員組成團隊,課程轉型過程(processs)有賴參與成員高度熱忱與積極投入O轉型課程領導之領導,泛指對教育工作具探究實踐與愛智行動的教育工作者,非校長專屬榮譽O校長基於本職便利,成為轉型課程之領導者誠屬理所當然O轉型課程領導教育哲學是杜威之學童中心的進步主義,在此基礎上,轉型課程領導強調教育發展之系統思維:0)學生中心的教與學設計'(2)結合學習與生活的課程 發展,< 3 )人性化、多元評量O轉型課程領導不是一種改革運動,而是倡導具誠懇心(fidelity)之教育工作者,在善盡落實民主價值教育與活化(currere)教育實務職責之際,同 時啟動個人專業成長生涯策略或路徑之一。21世紀,教育改革與發展應奠基於學術取向之理論共識、實踐取向之專業批判, 以及整合性或統觀視域共相、微觀視域在地殊相之哲學思維基礎O本文旨在凸顯:0) 教育是思想工作,
J.G Henderson advocates a model of developing curriculum, which is a new paradigm named transformative curriculum for a balanced, holistieducation that integrates subject matter, self, and social learning. The educational philo-sophy of Henderson's Transformative Curriculum is on th basis of Deweyan progressivism, the love of democratic wisdom, and interpersonal change.As an educator, performer or leadership of transformative curriculum is pre- occupied by fidelity of virtues, which make the human to be humanness, and wisdom is the greatest part. The work-team is committed to facilitating a mea-ningful educational journey for each of students. Furthermore, Transformative curriculum gives also an impetus to professional development of concerned teacher oradministratives. This article aims to signify: (1) Taiwan's educational context is different from the western; moreover Deweyan democrats performed today should take good advantage of educational profession. (2)Henderson's transformative curriculum leadership means whoever is preoccupied by fidelity of virtues, not only in mind but also on action. Instead of Henderson's whoever desires the wisdom, we bring up the concept of culture-based leadership. (3)The culture-based leadership will be cultivated with literacy of educational philosophy
起訖頁 032-044
關鍵詞 課程領導轉型課程教育工作者Transformative curriculumCulture-based leadershipDeweyan democrats
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 200812 (7:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 巴哈花精療法:一種情緒支持的新工具
該期刊-下一篇 一所參與教師專業發展評鑑試辦計畫學校的微觀政治分析




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