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State of the Art-Gifted Early Entrance in Taiwan, Theories and Practices
作者 張芝萱張馨仁鄒小蘭 (Hsiao-Lan Chau)
The gifted early entrance policy has been run in almost every county in Taiwan except Kim-meng County and Taipei City. By literature review and questionnaire research, researchers try to explore the status quo and problems of this policy running here on the Island. Further, researchers try to offer some useful recommendations for empowering the policy.  The major findings of this study were as the following: (1)The attitude of whether for or against the policy of gifted early entrance is not consistent among the Local Education Agencies of the nation. (2)The most difficult problem of implementing the policy is the short of expenditure and human resource. Owing to the large amount of the applicants, LEAs have to take a lot of time to screen and identify those who are rally gifted. (3)The attitude the parents hold would affect the implementation of the policy. For example, they would let their candidate child exercise assessment materials in advance ; once the child is not identified gifted, parents would hold doubt toward the fairness of the assessment process. (4)The assessment process is not consistent among LEAs, some put more emphasis on IQ test than social adjustment and learning abilities, the others do not. (5)The follow-up guidance for the identified gifted students is not thoroughly implemented among LEAs across the nation. Some suggestions were proposed for facilitating the implementation of the policy.
起訖頁 055-092
關鍵詞 加速提早入學學前資優生AccelerationEarly entrancePreschool gifted children
刊名 資優教育研究  
期數 200506 (5:1期)
出版單位 中華資優教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 高中學生科學實用能力評量之研究
該期刊-下一篇 教師的創造力發展課程實施成效之研究




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