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Development of a Traditional Chinese Version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire
作者 詹雨臻陳學志卓淑玲Rod A (Rod A)Martin
過去幽默測量的研究大多視幽默為正向的特質,而無法區分出良善或是有害的幽默。因此,本研究旨在發展一份正體中文版「幽默風格量表」(HSQ-TC),包含親和型幽默、自我提升型幽默、攻擊型幽默和自我貶抑型幽默四個分量表,前兩者為正向幽默風格,後兩者為負向幽默風格。本量表翻譯自Martin、Puhlik-Doris、Larsen、Gray 和Weir(2003)的「幽默風格量表」。以非隨機分層立意抽樣,先以預試樣本382 位大學生進行項目分析,接著再另以935位參與者為正式樣本進行信度和效度分析。結果發現,四個分量表的Cronbach’s 係數為.77~.88、再測\r信度為.83~.86、四個一階因素皆具有良好的組合信度與變異數平均解釋量,顯示HSQ-TC 具有良好的信度。本研究模式具有合理適配的建構效度,再以嘲笑風格、人格特質、攻擊行為和自尊再度考驗其建構效度,發現這些變項都具有良好的區辨效度,故HSQ-TC具有良好的信度和效度。此外,本量表採直譯及回譯比對的嚴謹程序,具有其價值性和應用性。因此,HSQ-TC 的發展不僅可提供跨文化的比較,亦可助於探索善意和惡意幽默的使用,以及應用於教育、諮商、職場、廣告、創造力、心理健康等層面之研究。
In the past, most research viewed humor as a positive trait, failing to distinguish naive humor from deteriorating humor. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a traditional Chinese version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ-TC) for the assessment of affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive and self-defeating humor styles in Taiwan. Thefirst two could be used to measure positive styles while the later two could measure negative styles. The HSQ-TC was translated from the English version of the HSQ. Item analysis of results from a pilot study with a non-random stratified sample of 382 Taiwanese undergraduate students suggested that the items were satisfactory. The questionnaire was thenadministered to a larger sample (N = 935) and the results were used to assess reliability and construct validity. Reliability results for the HSQ-TC subscales were impressive, with the Cronbach’s coefficients ranging from .73 to .88, and the test-retest reliabilities from .83to .86. The four factors showed good composite reliability and average variance extracted.Goodness-of-fit indices and confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence for the construct validity of the scale. A comparison of HSQ-TC results with measures of PhoPhiKat-TC, personality traits, aggressive behavior and self-esteem found further evidence for thediscriminant validity of the instrument. These findings suggest that the HSQ-TC is likely to generate valid and reliable scores. The authors feel that the HSQ-TC is an innovative tool with valuable potential applications, including enabling further cross-cultural comparisons.Finally, the index of the HSQ-TC can be used to further explore the distinction between potentially beneficial and detrimental uses of humor in education, psychotherapy,the workplace, commercial advertisement, creativity research, and psychological health.
起訖頁 207-234
關鍵詞 幽默幽默風格量表量表發展信度效度humorChinese-lanuage Humor Styles Questionnairequestionnaire developmentreliability and validity
刊名 測驗學刊  
期數 201104 (專刊期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 中文版「止觀覺察注意量表」之信效度分析




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