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Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of Robinson's Work Addition Risk Test
作者 黃瑞傑王豫萱胡昌亞
工時過長是台灣普遍的現象,其與工作狂行為有顯著相關,但目前並未有良好的工具能協助國內研究的進行。本研究欲檢驗Robinson(1989)「工作成癮測驗」(Work Addiction Risk Test, WART)中文版之心理計量特質與結構。本研究依Brislin(1980)的回覆翻譯策略將WART中文化,並以1,235位全職員工作為樣本;由於初步的驗證性因素分析結果未符合過往研究的因素結構,本研究進一步將整體樣本隨機分成兩組,先對一組樣本(N = 618)進行探索性因素分析,結果顯示共可萃取五個因子;而另一組樣本(N = 617)的驗證性因素分析結果顯示,五因子模式配適度良好。同時WART各項因素與工作投入皆呈現顯著關聯性,且除了工作滿意以外,五因子也與情緒耗竭、工作對家庭衝突、家庭對工作衝突,以及工作時數等效標變項,皆呈現顯著關聯性,此顯示效標關聯效度獲得支持。最後則討論研究結果對未來工作狂研究以及企業員工協助方案的助益。
It is common that the employees work quite long in Taiwan. Based on previous studies, this phenomenon has positive correlation with workaholic behavior. To develop a well Chinese measurement to understand workaholism in Taiwan, the current study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Work Addition Risk Test (Robinson, 1989). Participants were a random sample of 1,235 fulltime workers. As the result of primary confirmatory factor analysis failed to fit the factor models of previous studies, the original sample was divided randomly into two groups. Using one group (N = 618) to explore the factor structure, the result of exploratory factor analysis showed five factors model in this study. To test the factor model, the fit index of another group (N = 617) suggested that the five factors model fit the data. The significantly positive relationship between these five factors and job involvement provided strong evidence for convergent validity. Furthermore, the significant correlations between the five factors and criterion variables (emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction and working hours per week) also provided proof of criterion-related validity. In addition, implications and limitations of these findings are discussed.
起訖頁 073-104
關鍵詞 工作成癮測驗工作狂工作時數情緒耗竭Emotional exhaustionWork addition risk testWorkaholismWorking hours
刊名 測驗學刊  
期數 201112 (58:4期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 招生選才過程中不同甄審項目的實質影響力




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