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Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of a Traditional Chinese Version of the PhoPhiKat-45
作者 陳學志詹雨臻Willibald Ruch (Willibald Ruch)René Proyer (Rene Proyer)
本研究目的在發展一份正體中文版「嘲笑風格量表」(PhoPhiKat-TC Scale),包含怕被笑、喜被笑和喜笑人三個分量表。本量表採回譯(back-translation)方式發展,程序嚴謹。以非隨機分層立意抽樣,先以預試樣本253位大學生進行項目分析,接著另再以1,369位為正式樣本進行信度和效度分析。結果發現,三個分量表的Cronbach's α係數皆為.85、再測信度為.87~.92、三個一階因素具有良好的組合信度與變異數平均解釋量,顯示PhoPhiKat-TC具有良好的信度。本研究亦發現模式有合理適配的建構效度,再以幽默風格、攻擊行為、人格特質、依附風格和自尊再度考驗其建構效度,發現這些變項具有良好的區辨效度。總而言之,PhoPhiKat-TC具有良好的信度和效度,在台灣未曾有人編製過,有其獨創性、創新性、價值性和應用性。本量表不僅可提供跨文化的比較,亦可有助進一步暸解幽默感、無幽默感和嘲笑風格之間的關係,並可作為諮商或治療上的指標。
The purpose of this study was to develop a traditional Chinese version (PhoPhiKat-TC Scale) of Ruch and Proyer's PhoPhiKat-45 scale for the assessment of gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism in Taiwan. The original English version of the PhoPhiKat-45 was first translated into Chinese, and this Chinese translation was then back-translated into English. Using non-random stratified sampling, the instrument was administered to first to fourth year Taiwanese undergraduate students. Results of an item analysis of a pilot study with 253 participants suggested that the items were satisfactory. The scale was then administered to a larger sample (N=1,369) and the results were used to assess reliability and construct validity. The reliability tests for the PhoPhiKat-TC subscales yielded impressive values. The Cronbach's coefficients were .85, .85 and .85, and the test-retest reliabilities were .92, .94, .87 respectively. The three factors showed good composite reliability and average variance extracted. Goodness-of-fit indices and confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence for the construct validity of the scale. A comparison of PhoPhiKat-TC results with measures of humor styles, aggressive behavior, personality, attachment styles, and self-esteem found further evidence for the discriminant validity of the instrument. The authors conclude that the Pho-PhiKat-TC is a valid and reliable instrument, which is original, innovative and has valuable potential applications. Its development could enable further cross-cultural comparisons between individualistic and collectivistic cultures. It has made possible a fruitful research exchange which is currently underway and which promises to contribute to a greater understanding of the role of humor, humorlessness, and laughter. Finally, the index of the PhoPhiKat-TC can be used to aid interpretation of results for counseling or therapy.
起訖頁 119-145
關鍵詞 怕被笑喜笑人喜被笑無幽默感嘲笑風格量表gelotophobiagelotophiliakatagelasticismhumorlessnessPhoPhiKat-TC Scale
刊名 測驗學刊  
期數 201103 (58:1期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 正交化無限制潛在交互效果模式之修正策略的評估
該期刊-下一篇 陰柔特質男性態度量表之發展




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