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The Establish of the Evaluation Indicators in the Workshops about Principal Professional Development
作者 李安明 (An-Min Li)陳怡安 (Ian Chen)謝琬琪
本研究目的主要在於透過平衡計分卡的概念,建構屬於國內校長專業發展工作坊評鑑指標。而評鑑指標建構分成兩部分,包含指標項目建構及指標權重建構。指標項目建構透過文獻分析、專家諮詢以建構自編問卷,進行模糊德懷術,並針對專家提供之三角糢糊數解模糊化。指標權重依據前階段建構結果,施測層級分析法,再以expert choice 2000軟體進行一致性檢定與權重建構;研究對象包含學者、校長、教育行政人員。依據本研究結果,其結論歸納如下:一、透過平衡計分卡,建構出校長專業發展工作坊評鑑指標系統,包含四大構面、十大策略與三十項指標。四大構面中,由高至低依序排列為學習與成長構面、顧客構面、內部流程構面及財務構面。二、各項評鑑指標中,以學習成長構面較受到重視,其中尤以指標「課程內容能引發校長從多元觀點切入問題核心,並提升創新思考能力」,關切度最高。三、各項評鑑指標中,以財務構面較不受重視,其中尤以指標「進行工作坊效益評估,擬訂適切、合理的預算規劃」,關切度最低。依據本研究結果,提出兩項建議:一、宜持續推動校長專業成長規劃,以提升校長問題解決能力。二、宜強化校長專業發展工作坊財務管理,以提升工作坊績效。
The purpose of this research is to establish the evaluation indicators in workshops about principal professional development referring to the concept of balanced scorecard, and to analyse the indicators. The establishment of the evaluation indicators consists two parts, which are items development and relative weight system. For establishment of the indicators which was conducted with literature analysis, Fuzzy delphi method and analytic hierarchy process. Samples were drawn from educational scholars, principals, and administrative personnel.Based on the results of the research, the conclusions are:1. The evaluation Indicators can be divided into four area, ten strategies and thirty indicators. In four areas of the evaluation indicators from high to low, Learning and Growth occupies the highest position, Customer, Processes and Financial.2. The evaluation indicators system emphasizes on learning and growth dimension , especially the indicator - Course content lead to principles approaching the core of problems from multiple perspectives and elevating the ability of innovative thinking.3. The evaluation indicators system didn't emphasize on financial dimension, especially the indicator - Make workshop benefit assessment, and plan appropriate budget planning.Based on the results of the research, the suggestions are summarized as follows:1. Continually to promote the plan about principals' professional development and enhance their problem-solving ability.2. To strengthen financial management of principal professional development workshops for improving performance.
起訖頁 001-025
關鍵詞 校長專業發展工作坊評鑑指標系統建構平衡計分卡principal professional developmentworkshopevaluation indicator systemthe Balanced Scorecard
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201209 (29期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 日本青森縣中小學教師評鑑制度之探討




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