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Thomas S. Popkewitz「社會知識論」及其對教育/課程研究之挑戰
Thomas S. Popkewitz's Social Epistemology and Its Challenges toward Research on Education/Curriculum
作者 洪一賓
受到M. Foucault知識/權力觀點的啟發,美國教育學者T. S. Popkewitz在課程研究上發展出其對於知識探究的觀點,從而以其探視角度建立出一套社會知識論。在這套社會知識論中,Popkewitz處理的不是知識的內容,而是轉而關注知識的形構過程;Popkewitz進而思考的是學科知識之形成的歷史性、社會性與政治性,點出了教育改革與政策背後所存在的歷史性與政治性築構過程。此外,他更在研究方法論上進行了反省與批判,同時質疑了研究者在知識形構與教育改革中被視為理所當然的專業權威的角色與地位。最後,Popkewitz強調知識份子的角色與重要性,主張教育研究者作為知識分子應以批判的態度來對自我、對權威及對社會既定的秩序與原則加以檢視與挑戰。
Illuminated by M. Foucault's viewpoints on knowledge/power, T. S. Popkewitz develops his social epistemology in which he deals with the process of knowledge formation rather than the contents of knowledge. He then observes the historical, social and political elements in/behind knowledge; besides, he points out that educational reforms and policies are historically and politically constructed. Furthermore, he shows his criticism on those methodologies of educational research and on the role of researchers used to play with granted professional status. Finally, Popkewitz puts emphasis on the significance of intellectuals and claims that education researchers, served as intellectuals, should hold a critical attitude toward themselves. Researchers have to examine and challenge the authorities and all the given orders and rules in/from the society.
起訖頁 099-120
關鍵詞 社會知識論課程研究知識/權力T. S. Popkewitzsocial epistemologycurriculum researchknowledge/power
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201209 (29期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-下一篇 「父母知覺升學壓力量表」編製之研究




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