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The relationships between school innovations and innovations for student development in elementary schools
作者 葉連祺 (Lain-Chyi Yeh)張芳敏
學生發展創新為學校創新內涵之一,其目的在增進學生創新知能的發展,而分析學校創新作為對學生發展創新作為的影響關係,將利於增進學校創新實務和學術研究。本研究以十個層面的72 項學校創新作為編製問卷,抽樣調查台灣公立小學校長、主任、組長和教師對學校創新作為的重要性和實踐度知覺,分析學校創新對學生發展創新的影響關係。結果顯示全部創新層面的兩類知覺彼此達中至高度相關,課程教學、環境設備兩類創新對學生發展創新兩類知覺的影響穩定且頗大,發展效能、人員關係、學校文化、人員選培等層面創新影響力小,並能形成一個學校創新對學生發展創新的影響關係模式,其對不同年齡和教育程度者具有均等性。
Innovation of students’ development as one of school innovation was used to improve the developments of students’ innovation competence and cognition. To study the impacts of innovation behaviors in elementary schools to the innovation behaviors for student’s development were beneficial to school innovation practices and academic researches.Therefore, a self-made questionnaire was conducted based upon innovation behaviors of elementary school to investigate the importance and practical perceptions of innovation behaviors of elementary school to principals, office directors, office managers and teachers, ant to understand the causal relationships between school innovations and innovations for student development in elementary schools. The results showed that both importance and practical perceptions of innovation behaviors were high or middle correlated. Both “innovation for curriculum and teaching” and “innovation for environment and equipment” produced impacts steadily and highly to the perceptions of “innovation for studentdevelopment”. But the impacts of “innovation for school’s developmental effectiveness”, “innovation for member’s relation“, “innovation for school culture”, “innovation for member’s selection” were small. Finally, one model was proposed to explain the causal relationship between school innovations and innovation of students’ development, and it was equivalent to subjects with different ages and academic backgrounds.
起訖頁 119-146
關鍵詞 教育創新創新管理學校管理education innovationinnovation managementschool management
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201009 (25期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 國小教師領導之實踐探究:以一所學校為例
該期刊-下一篇 教育即進步-田培林的觀點




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