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The Raising Abilities and Attitudes of the Early Childhood Major Students of Participating in the Dou-Dou Children’s Theatre of National Taichung University
作者 張芳綾魏美惠 (Mei-Hue Wei)林佳慧 (Chia-Hui Lin)
本研究旨在探討臺中教育大學幼兒教育系學生參與荳荳劇場,能力提昇與參與態度之狀況,以及不同背景變項之幼教系學生參與荳荳劇場之能力提昇與參與態度之差異情形。研究者以自編之「幼教系學生參與荳荳劇場之能力提昇及態度量表」為研究工具,針對 358 位臺中教育大學幼兒教育系在校學生、大五實習生、以及畢業校友,進行問卷調查問卷。研究顯示(1)參與荳荳劇場能提升幼教系學生的多元能力;(2)學生的參\r與態度及能力增長狀況會受幼教系學生就讀不同年級、有無擔任組長或系學會幹部而有顯著性的差異; (3)幼教系學生「高中職就讀科系」 、 「有無修習相關戲劇課程」 、 「不同\r參與荳荳劇場次數」等背景變項,不會對其參與荳荳劇場之能力提昇與態度上的看法有顯著性的差異; (4)幼教系學生參與荳荳劇場之態度與其能力提昇有顯著性正相關。
The main purpose of this research was to understand the raising abilities of early childhood major students and their attitudes of participating in the Dou-Dou children's theatre. Moreover, this study also investigated the effects of the various backgrounds of college students on their raising abilities and their attitudes in participating the Dou-Dou children' s theatre. The questionnaire which was developed by the researcher was the major method for data collecting. There were 358 students who major in early childhood education of National Taichung University including the early childhood major students who have already graduated and undergraduate participated in this study. The findings were as follows: (1) The students increased multiple abilities by participated e Dou-Dou children' s theatre; (2) The findings indicated that there were significant differences of the college students’ raising abilities and the attitudes among the different independent variables such as, different year of study and the leaders’ experiences;(3) The findings indicated that there were no significant differences of the college student's raising abilities and the attitudes among the different independent variables such as, the various major of studies of high school, the experience of taking drama classes, times of participating in the Dou-Dou children' s theatre;(4) The significant correlation was found between the participating attitude and their raising abilities of the early childhood major students participating in the Dou-Dou children' s theatre.
起訖頁 077-096
關鍵詞 幼教系學生兒童劇場參與態度與能力提昇the early childhood major studentsChildren’s TheatreParticipating attitudes and raising abilities
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201107 (22期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 幼兒母親數學信念和行為之研究
該期刊-下一篇 幼兒創造性教學之個案研究




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