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The selection criteria for kindergarten evaluation on-site visitors
作者 吳珮琪 (Pei-Chi Wu)江麗莉
臺灣地區曾於 2001 年至 2005 年期間辦理全面性的幼稚園評鑑,本研究旨在探究曾\r參與當時公私立幼稚園評鑑的相關人員對幼稚園評鑑訪視委員遴選條件的意見。 本研究以問卷調查 338 位受評幼稚園、訪視委員、各縣市幼稚園評鑑籌辦單位及教育評鑑專家對於評鑑訪視委員應具備之專業素養及條件的看法。 綜整本研究結果發現: 一、訪視委員資格條件中,首重幼教實務經驗。 二、訪視委員最需被考量的幼教專業知能項目為課程與教學。 三、訪視委員最需被考量的評鑑專業知能項目為評鑑理論知能。 四、訪視委員最需被考量的專業責任項目為專業態度。
Public and private kindergartens Program evaluation was carried out comprehensively between 2001 and 2005 in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to explore the opinions of those related personnel who participated in the kindergarten program evaluation on the criteria for selecting kindergarten evaluation on-site visitors. Questionnaire was used to collect 338 kindergartens, on-site visitors, program evaluation unit contractors and educational evaluation experts’ perspectives on the professional competence and qualification requirement of kindergarten evaluation on-site visitors. The major findings of this study were listed as follows: 1. While selecting kindergarten evaluation on-site visitors, their practical experience in early childhood education should be taken into prime consideration. 2. Regarding on-site visitors’ professional competence for early childhood education, their knowledge of curriculum and instruction should be concerned most. 3. Regarding on-site visitors’ professional competence for evaluation, their knowledge of evaluation theory should be concerned most. 4. Regarding on-site visitors’ professional ethics, their attitude should be concerned most.
起訖頁 043-058
關鍵詞 幼稚園評鑑訪視委員遴選條件kindergarten evaluationon-site visitorsselection criteria
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201107 (22期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 弱勢家庭與非弱勢家庭大班幼兒數學能力之研究
該期刊-下一篇 幼兒母親數學信念和行為之研究




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