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The Study of the School Adjustment and the School Support System for the Autistic Elementary School Students of Regular Classes in Central Taiwan Area
作者 張喜凰林惠芬
The purposes of the study were to investigate the school adjustment and the schoolsupport system for autistic elementary school students of regular classes in central TaiwanArea, and the related factors of school adjustment for students with autism in regularclasses. Two hundred and sixty two teachers filled out the questionnaire of “schooladjustment and school support system of students with autism in regular classes” and 257parents filled out the questionnaire of “school support system of students with Autism inregular classes.” Various statistical methods, including one-way ANOVA, product-momentcorrelation and t-test were used to analyze the data.The major findings are as follows:1. Autistic students’ school adjustment in regular classes was not as good as expected.Among the subscales of “Routines,” “Interaction,” and “Curriculum learning,” autisticstudents had the highest score on “Routines” and the lowest on “Curriculum learning.”2. Based on teachers’ and parents’ opinions, the school support system for autisticelementary school students of regular classes is considered supportive. However,administrators’ support was the lowest.3. The scores of whole school support system between teachers and parents are notsignificantly different. However, some differences in scores on subscales exist.4. Different severity of autism significantly affected their school adjustment. However,grade, educational placement, parental socioeconomic status, and teachers’ professionalbackground and instruction experiences did not.5. The scores of whole school support system and teachers’ support were positively relatedto the score of school adjustment for students with autism.
起訖頁 025-046
關鍵詞 普通班自閉症學生學校適應學校支持學校適應相關因素students with autismschool adjustmentschool support system
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 201112 (25期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 上下肢肌力與肌耐力對國小視覺障礙學生行動體態之影響
該期刊-下一篇 一個成功教養過動兒的母親之人格特質、教養認知與教養策略之分析




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