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The Survey of Children Language Assessment Practices in Taiwan
作者 王秋鈴林素貞
The purpose of this research is to investigate the children language assessmentpractices in Taiwan. The researchers used the questionnaire of “The Survey of SpeechTherapists Participating Children Language Assessment in Taiwan" to collect data. Theparticipants were 92 speech therapists in Taiwan, and the rate of questionnaire returnwas52.5%. The participants reported that 0-6 year-old preschoolers were the largestgroup in their caseload. Most of the child language assessments were directed by medicalpersonnel, such as speech therapists and doctors. Less than 20%of school teachers involvedin the child language assessment. The parents did not need to pay extra fee for their child´s language assessment; however, they probably have to wait for assessment because ofshortage of speech therapists. Moreover, too many children waiting for assessment wouldalso affect the amount of assessment time each child received. The average assessment timewas between 30-50 minutes. Regarding to language assessment items, the speech therapistsstill pay more attention on oral language than written language. The most frequently usedassessment methods included observing the children´s behaviors (93.5%), interviewingwith parents or teachers (91.3%), and using standardized language tests (87.0%). Only57.6% of participants used language sampling. The standardized language tests frequentlyused by speech therapist were limited to three kinds. The participants also recognized that0-3 and 13-18 year-old group need more suitable standardized language tests. At last, thisstudy provided five suggestions for practice and future research.
起訖頁 001-023
關鍵詞 語言評量兒童語言障礙語言治療師標準化語言測驗語言樣本分析Language assessmentChild language disorderLanguage samplingSpeech therapistStandardized language tests
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 200812 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 國小教師對不同類別身心障礙學生就讀普通班意見之調查研究




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