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The Study on the Application of Conceptual Curriculum Integration for the Programs of Gifted Students in Elementary School
作者 謝建全
The main purpose of this study is to promote curriculum planning and designing for gifted students as the development of the curriculum for K-9 in elementary school. The concept of "curriculum integration" is adopted by resource room for 30 gifted students and 5 gifted teachers in Kaoshiung Municipal Jia- Chung Elementary School as the development of integrated curriculum and its teaching design. The perceptions of gifted students in elementary school on these topics are investigated through the surveys. Furthermore, by interviewing resource room of gifted teachers, this study compares the attitude of gifted students with the point of view towards designing and teaching of gifted curriculum. The major findings are: 1. The gifted students believe that they are interested in integrated curriculum, which developed by different teachers. 2. The gifted students think the thematic integrated curriculum can increase their learning interests and potentials in future study. 3. The gifted teachers have positive attitude toward the integrated curriculum, most of them do believe this model is more appropriate to gifted students. 4. For better improvement of this model in resource room, the gifted teachers do hope that the schools have to organize a team-work of teaching, establishing some cousulting channels for teacher, and providing more facilities for gifted students.
起訖頁 001-030
關鍵詞 課程統整資優教學統整課程資優生curriculum integrationgifted educationintegrated curriculumgifted students
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 200406 (12期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 普通學生與閱讀障礙學生之單位詞、識字、詞彙和閱讀理解能力之比較研究




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