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The Learning Problems of Net-generation and Its Enlightenment on Education Innovation
作者 侯一欣詹郁萱
The Net-generation born in the era combined of high tech and globalization, whosecognitive learning is nonlinear, imaginative, multitask, low-organizational, non-logical, likesstrong sound and light stimulation. Although their digital adaptation and digital skills isamazing, when facing the pressure of knowledge explosion by information technology andknowledge economy by global competition, they have too many difficulties to overcome. Takesomething for example:First, knowledge explosion by information technology lead to the dilemma about deeplearning or integrative learning.Second, “digital divide” cause the problem of equal opportunity access to education.Finally, Technology alienation incites the trouble of social learning.In order to cater for Net-generation and the challenges of the times, school should take newstrategies. Some are as follows.First, teachers should consider both of disciplinary and interdisciplinary.Second, teaching and evaluation of Technology integration should be adaptive.Finally, using technology as teaching tools should consider social situation of humanitiesinteraction.
起訖頁 1-17
刊名 教師專業研究期刊  
期數 201112 (2期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-下一篇 新移民女性子女母語教育:以東南亞新移民女性觀點為例




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