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作者 李靜芳 (Ching-Fang Lee)姜逸群林淑珊林顯明徐菊容
妊娠期間執行身體活動可以降低妊娠糖尿病、子癲前症的發生及避免孕期增加過多的體重。然而較少的研究探討婦女於不同孕期的身體活動型態。本研究目的欲瞭解孕婦於不同孕期之身體活動型態及其相關因素。本研究採立意取樣。第一孕期110 名,第二孕期285 名,第三孕期236 名,共631 位懷孕婦女,平均年齡30.37(SD=4.02)。研究工具為Chasan-Taber 發展的「孕期身體活動量表(PPAQ)」,共32題,包括家事/照顧活動、職業活動、運動活動三大類型。以SPSS for Windows 14.0 統計軟體進行資料分析及處理。家事/照顧型態及職業型態之身體活動量於三組不同孕期呈顯著差異(p<.05);尤其在第三孕期之家事/照顧型態之身體活動量最高,但職業型態之身體活動量為最低。過去有流產經驗與第一孕期之總身體活動量、職業型態身體活動量及三個孕期之家事/照顧型態呈顯著負相關。職業狀態與三個孕期之總活動量及職業型態之身體活動呈顯著正相關。懷孕次數與總身體活動量及家事/照顧型態之身體活動呈正相關。孕前有運動習慣者與第一孕期家事/照顧型態之身體活動量呈現正相關。懷孕前身體質量指數為運動及職業型態之身體活動量的顯著因素。在總身體活動量、家事照顧型態、職業型態及運動型態之身體活動於三個孕期模式的R2 分別為0.22-0.33、0.08-0.17、0.84-0.92、0.06-0.08。婦女於懷孕期間之家事/照顧型態及職業型態的身體活動量於不同孕期呈現顯著的差異。本研究發現可提供醫護人員協助孕婦欲增進身體活動時的參考。
Participation in physical activity during pregnancy may reduce the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus and preeclampsia and prevent excess maternal weight gain. However, studies describe patterns of physical activity during pregnancy are sparse. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to compare different types of physical activity among women in three trimesters and related factors. According to a purposive sampling method, three groups of pregnant women, the first trimester (n=110), the second trimester (n=285), and the third trimester (n=236) of pregnancy, were recruited in Northern Taiwan. 631 participants completed the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (PPAQ). The mean age was 30.37 (SD=4.02). The PPAQ included three types of physical activity of occupational, household/caregiving and sport/exercise. Levels of household/caregiving and occupational physical activity were significantly different among women in three trimesters(p<.05). Level of household/ caregiving physical activity was significantly higher and level of physical activity was lower in the third trimester group than other groups. Abortion history was negatively associated with total and occupational physical activity in first trimester, and also with household/caregiving physical activity in all trimesters. Work status was positively associated with total and occupational physical activity. Gravid was associated with total and household/caregiving physical activity. Pre-exercise habit was positively associated with household/caregiving physical activity in first trimester. Pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) was associated with sport and occupational physical activity. The model r square of total, household/caregiving, occupational, and sport exercise activity ranged from 0.22-0.33, 0.08-0.17, 0.84-0.92, and 0.06-0.08 for the three trimesters. Levels of household/caregiving and sport/exercise activity were significantly different among women in different trimesters. These findings may be useful to doctors and nurses, especially in counseling pregnant women to promote physical activity.
起訖頁 103-111
關鍵詞 孕婦身體活動孕期PregnantPhysical activityTrimester
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 201203 (16:2期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-下一篇 社區整合式照護之成效:系統性文獻回顧




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