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Science, Technology and Socio-culture: Reflections on Science Views
作者 陳政亮
當我們說「科技生活」或「科技時代」時,或者說科學/科技早已滲入到我們日常生活的每一個領域時,不僅意味著「科技產品」的廣泛使用,還指涉了人們對於科學思考與行動方式的認同,以及對「科學/科技價值」的信念。本文想要透過說明科學與社會文化並非是相互獨立的範疇,來檢討這個信念與認同,同時也批判地回顧科學研究當中看待科學/技術的不同取向,並且進一步說明科學乃一特定之文化實踐方式。本文透過三個小節逐一檢討與說明科學/技術與社會文化之間的關係,這三個小節是:一、一般對科學與技術「非文化」的誤解。尤其討論「科學與人文乃屬於不相干的兩種文化」,亦或是「雖然科學會受文化影響,但終將擺脫文化之糾纏」,最後則質疑「科學與技術的中立性」的說法。二、著重於科學與技術領域「內」的文化傾向,特別在1. 科學知識與各種制度設計; 2. 科學認知與文化想像; 3. 技術發展與文化價值等面向。三、討論科學技術與其他領域之間的文化,尤其是與非西方社會的「地方知識」或是科學知識vs.常民知識等課題相連結的爭辯。在這三個部分之後,則回過頭來再檢討上述所言之「科學/科技價值信念」在台灣社會中的效果。
By reviewing a selection of articles in the field of Science Studies, this article explores the relations between science/technology and socio-culture, and sees science/technology as a specific way of cultural practice. Rejecting the view that treats science/technology as an independent existence, the present study firstly argues that different forms of science/technology are embedded in their specific social institutions, political positions and cultural values. The second part of the article addresses the sociocultural influence ’inside’ the territory of science, specifically examining the effects of evaluation systems on knowledge production, analyzing the cultural dimensions in scientific cognition, and investigating the connections between class interests and the development of technologies. The predominance of Western science will then be examined to show the way in which Western knowledge system excludes non-western ways of thinking from genuine knowledge. Established bodies of scientific knowledge can also be challenged and reshaped by lay people’s actions and their perception of reality. Finally, the inseparability between science/technology and socio-culture provides a possibility for rethinking the question of ’what kind of science/technology is appropriate for our society’.
起訖頁 145-200
關鍵詞 科學研究Science Studies
刊名 科技、醫療與社會  
期數 200804 (6期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 看得見的愛滋病與看不見的愛滋病「人」——台北地方法院關愛之家判決的心證論述解構
該期刊-下一篇 關於使用行動者網絡理論從事資訊系統的研究:一個(有點)蘇格拉底式的對話




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