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The Call of Human Nature: Governmentality and Sexual Offence Prevention Policy in Taiwan
作者 吳建昌 (Chien-Chang Wu)
最近十餘年來,台灣女性平權及保障之立法運動及行政管制方興未艾,性侵害防治政策更是其中最重要的議題之一。不僅重大刑案如白曉燕案、彭婉如案撼動社會大眾之觀感,媒體經常出現「XX 之狼」之報導評論,性侵害防治相關法令亦修訂頻繁。法律對於人之治理,乃基於其對人性之理解,而這整個性侵害防治法律制度與治理策略之重大變革,尤其牽涉到對於性侵害加害人「人性」之重新認識。Castel 在From Dangerousness to Risk 中認為,對於精神疾病患者之管制,已經由強調危險(danger)之專家規訓,過渡到強調風險(risk)之行政治理,而多位犯罪學者亦宣告新自由主義風險概念在英美刑事政策制訂之主導地位,而台灣在移植美國性侵害防治政策之同時,是否呈現出前述學者所描述之線性進化呢?或者,在這一波風險導向之刑事政策風潮中,台灣刑事政策呈現出一種遲滯或不規則之發展呢?以英美風險導向刑事政策之文獻回顧為基礎,本文檢視包含風險治理(risk governance)與預警原則(precautionary principle)之治理理性(governmentality)操作架構,在台灣性侵害防治政策演變中所呈現之不規則性,此種不規則性所展現之策略交雜現象所立基之「人性」認知之破碎性,以及此種發展所具有之社會及倫理意涵。
Since about ten years ago, in Taiwan, there have been booming legislative and administrative activities for female equality and protection. Sexual offence prevention policy is one the most important issues in the trend. Severe sexual crimes shocked society. Media abounds with reports and comments on sexual offenders. Statutes and regulations regarding sexual offence prevention have been revised frequently. Law governs people based on its understanding of human nature. The evolution of sexual offence prevention policy especially involves re-configuring sexual offenders’ human nature. In From Dangerousness to Risk, Castel argued that the management of mentally ill offenders has transited from expert discipline of dangerousness to administrative governance of risk. Many criminologists also argued that the neoliberal risk concept is becoming dominant in criminal justice policy making in the United Kingdom and the United States. Following the U.S. trend, does Taiwan’s policy making in sexual offence prevention have the abovementioned linear evolution? Or, is there sluggishness or irregularity in the development of Taiwan’s sexual offence policy making? Based on a review of the U.S. and U.K. literature on risk-oriented criminal justice policy, this paper examines the operation of governmentality in Taiwan’s sexual offence policy making. As governmentality includes both risk governance and precautionary principle, the paper shows the irregularity of Taiwan’s sexual offence prevention policy. It argues that the irregularity in adopting risk governance policy originates from the fragmented configurations of human nature. Finally, it addresses the social and ethical implications of the irregularity in sexual offence policy making.
起訖頁 69-110
關鍵詞 人性治理理性風險預警原則性侵害台灣human naturegovernmentalityriskprecautionary principlesexual offenceTaiwan
刊名 科技、醫療與社會  
期數 200804 (6期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 「殘障設施」的由來:視障者行動網絡建構過程分析
該期刊-下一篇 看得見的愛滋病與看不見的愛滋病「人」——台北地方法院關愛之家判決的心證論述解構




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