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Self-help during Segregation: The Case Study of the Blacks' Tuberculosis and Health Care during the Progressive Era in the United States
作者 黃文齡
Under conditions of racial segregation in America, medical authorities did not attend to the needs of black TB patients. Neither hospitals nor sanatoria would offer them assistance. Hence, blacks practiced self-help in TB health care during the period 1890-1930. They emphasized that viruses observed no color lines in their appeals to the whites, publicizing their needs in health care. They promoted National Black Health Week urging their people to live in cleaner circumstances. And, they built a black only hospital and educated black female visiting nurses to teach basic medical knowledge and help black TB patients receive proper home care. Self-help during segregation was a compromise, but it satisfied the black TB patient needs. The black TB patients could get better medical care. It also improved the quality of black medical professionals; the black female visiting nurses themselves were a concrete expression of the power of the black community, not to mention their medical services. Self-help during segregation proved that the blacks were not merely victims. They knew what they wanted in urging equal treatment in TB medical care, and found the solutions for themselves. Most importantly, they undertook self-help medical care not in pursuit of social reform but within the established social context. Their success was limited, but they fulfilled the responsibilities of good citizens.
起訖頁 173-220
關鍵詞 自力救濟肺結核病黑人全國黑人健康週Self-helpTuberculosisBlackNational Negro Health Movement
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 200812 (42期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 柏克思想與英格蘭啟蒙運動
該期刊-下一篇 市場、戰爭和財政國家--對南宋賦稅問題的再思考




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