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Biography as an Exploration in Entrepreneurial History--Review of J. Forbes Munro, Maritime Enterprise and Empire: Sir William Mackinnon and His Business Network, 1823-1893
作者 林志龍
The use of biographical analysis as an approach to business history research is not a new idea. It was first used as early as in the 1920s by George Unwin of the University of Manchester, the first chair of Economic History in the UK. This kind of approach could be seen as a method of highlighting the important role of human beings in dynamic economic activities.
起訖頁 321-325
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 200506 (35期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 歷史學是一門科學嗎?引介John Lewis Gaddis, The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past




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