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The Legend of ”Lamang”and the Strategic Transition of the Dutch East India Company in Its East-Asian Trade Policy in 1622
作者 陳宗仁
In 1622,the Dutch East India Company(i.e. VOC)dispatched a fleet to the China coast and occupied the Pescadores Islands(also Known as Peihu Islands). Afterward they established a fort in Taiwan and operated a business with China and Japan. Why did those leaders of VOC launch a war against the Ming dynasty in that year, 1622, and not earlier or later? What happened to VOC when they hurriedly recalled those warships at that time? This article argues that the East-Asian trade policy of VOC fell into a difficult position around the early 1620’s because the leaders of VOC found that their blockade policy couldn’t prevent ships from going to the Spanish Philippines, especially Chinese traders who were willing risk a voyage to Manila. But the key factor that forced VOC to change the policy from blockade to war was the the “Lamang” rumour. In the letter robbed from a Spanish ship in 1621, the Dutch read a rumour that the Spanish had attempted to seize a harbour called “Lamang” in Formosa / Taiwan. The second point of this article is to discuss the meaning and location of Lamang. The author suggests that Lamang may be Peikang (北港), as named by the Chinese, otherwise known as Pacan by the Spanish in the early 1600’s.
起訖頁 283-308
關鍵詞 北港臺灣早期史貿易策略東亞貿易荷蘭東印度公司PeikangEarly Taiwanese HistoryTrade strategyDutch East India CompanyEast-Asian trade
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 200506 (35期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 自由主義外交政策的試驗--英國對柏林條約的推行,1880-1881
該期刊-下一篇 歷史學是一門科學嗎?引介John Lewis Gaddis, The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past




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