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A Critique on the Study of Chinese Anarchism of the Japanese Academia
作者 安井伸介
The study of Chinese anarchism in Japan has made progress in recent times. There are two reasons:first is a change in perception of the study. Scholars of earlier days were interested in the Chinese anarchism only in its connection with the Chinese revolution, so the ”subject”of the Chinese anarchism was , in essence, a mere”object”. However, as a new generation of scholars began to treat the topic as a subject of its own, and progress made in locating and discovering new materials as a result of increasing liberalization in the Mainland China, scholars in Japan are enabled to write and publish more prolifically, thereby bettered the study of Chinese anarchism in Japan. Although the method to approach the topic has changed over time, there are some problematic characteristics persist in Japanese academia. The most important of which is on the concept about anarchism. This essay aims to introduce the development of the study of Chinese anarchism in Japan and to make critical comments on the published literatures, to enhance the further developments of the study of Chinese anarchism.
起訖頁 427-442
關鍵詞 無政府主義中國無政府主義西方無政府主義中國革命anarchismChinese anarchismwestern anarchismChinese revolution
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 200406 (33期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 無政府主義概念史的分析
該期刊-下一篇 如何審視鏡像中國?--評介⋘中國與歷史資本主義:漢學知識的系譜學⋙




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