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Radicalism, the Modern Condition, and the Rise of Chinese Anarchism
作者 楊芳燕
This paper explores Cinese anarchism as a strain of modern radicalism, in the context of the modern condition that began to emerge around the turn of the twentieth century. An overview of the anarchist groups and their fundamental ideas and beliefs is provided, followed by a discussion on the appearance of Chinese anarchism, as well as its implications and significance, against two contemporary backgrounds that characterized the emergent modern condition confronted by China:the disintegration of traditional Chinese sociopolitical order, and the expansion and intrusion of the capitalist-industrial order stemming from the West. The paper argues that anarchism owed much of its appeal to the answers its Chinese believers were able to produce in response to these imminent historical developments. However, since the expansion of the capitalist-industrial order on the Chinese soil took the form of military- political imperialist intrusion, the goals of nation-and state-building became imperative and integral to the modern condition faced by China, whereas the anarchists were prevented by their anti-statist and anti-political premises to produce an adequate response. As a result, the anarchists were gradually marginalized in the 1920s, even although they had exerted, by way of propagating the idea/ideal of social revolution, a dynamic asisting force in the rise of Chinese communism.
起訖頁 365-397
關鍵詞 中國無政府主義激進主義現代情境民族主義共產主義Chinese anarchismradicalismthe modem conditionnationalismcommunism
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 200406 (33期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 殖民地邊區的企業--日治時期東臺灣的會社及其企業家
該期刊-下一篇 無政府主義概念史的分析




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