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Holding the Hair Neat: Wang-jin and Some Cultural Dimentions of the Ming Dynasty
作者 林麗月
Wang-jin was a net with which male adults set the hair together and it was also one of the most symbolic costume norms established in the early Ming China. Therefore, we can find it in several aspects of Ming society, such as monarchical regimes, clothing consumption and social life. After the Ming regime was overthrown, Wang-jin evolved into the strongest symbol, holding the Ming loyalists together and forming the former empire's imagination. From the view of being a vital role in the adult ritual, Wang-jin had practical and definitional linkage with 'setting hair together', which was one of the necessities of the Ming people's lifelong custom. From the view of the manufacture and consumption of Wang-jin, some of them were made by women, some were sold in the stores, and others were vended by merchants. On the other hand, although Wang-jin was one of the commodities for Ming's male adults, the materials and making procedures of it ranged from extravagance to simpleness. The rich wore fine Wang-jin made of high-quality materials to display their status and fortune. After the Qing dynasty ruled, Wang-jin became much more extraordinary for its meaning of nation-identity. First, it became the 'evidence' of dynastic transition, the Ming loyalists used to wear Wang-jin to declare their political identity. In the loyalists' biographies, we can find that insisting on wearing Wang-jin and no-surrender tactics against the Qing's rulers are both significant factors in the biographies of Ming loyalists.
起訖頁 133-160
關鍵詞 明代網巾服飾物質文化明遺民Ming dynastyWang-jincustommaterial cultureMing loyalists
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 200406 (33期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 金代女真進士科制度的建立及其對女真政權的影響
該期刊-下一篇 皇帝的最後一道命令--清代遺詔製作、皇權繼承與歷史書寫




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