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The Dilemma of Recruiting Military Talent through Literary Aproaches: the Military Examination and Military Academy in Song China
作者 方震華
In Song China, the recruitent of military officials and the training of martial talents experienced a new development, as the government established the military examination and the military academy. These two new institutions origainated from the fact that while the civil elite controlled the Song government , the tried to apply their own value system to military fields. Based on the idea that military leadership derived from book learning, civil official established the military examination and academy to cultivate military talents through literary methods. To pass the military examination, the candidates had to possess literary talents and knowledge, so most participants were literati, who previously failed civil examination, and attempted to use the military examination and academy as an alternative to obtain official titles. Due to their civil identity, most military degree holders had little intention in a military career, instead eagerly sought any opportunity to transfer to civil posts. Although the government prohibited the taking of both civil and military examinations, this order was not followed. Because most military degree holders did not serve in the armies, the military examination made little influence on the Song military forces. Although the originally designed functions of military examination and academy were never fulfilled, these two institutes still existed until the end of the Southern Song, due to some non-military factors. To the civil elite, the establishment of the military examination and academy confirmed the opinion that military leadership was based on literary learning, which legitimized civil officials' authority on military affairs, These two institutions also caused the Song Empire to coincide with the traditional idealism that developments in civil and military affairs had equal importance to a country. Moreover, the growing number of literati intensified the competition of the civil service examination, so failed candidates needed an alternative to gain an official title, and the military examination offered this opportunity. Because the abolishment of the military examination would damage the benefits of many literati, no official dared to advocate this idea. From the military perspective, the Song civil elite's efforts on improving military recruitment were unsuccessful. The main factor causing this failure was that most civil officials overlooked the academic value of military knowledge and martial arts. The education of military academy did not develop its own academic system, therefore it was difficult to differentiate military academy education from that of other official schools which provided literary education. The students of military academy concentrated their efforts on preparing examination rather than learning the military abilities useful in battle fields. Although the Song government created the first military school in Chinese history, military study failed to become an independent discipline, but was subordinate to literary learning. Under this circumstance, the establishment of the military examination and academy mostly related to the benefits of literati, but failed to inspire a military education meaningful to the armies.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 武舉武學文武關係宋代軍事教育兵學civil-military relationshipmilitary learningmilitary academymilitary examinationSong dynastymilitary academy education
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 200406 (33期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 宋代的「車駕臨奠」




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