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Genealogies of the Chosen Dynasty During the Sixteenth Century
作者 常建華
This paper shows several characteristics of the genealogies of the Chosen dynasty during the sixteenth century as follows. Firstly, the principles, the content and form of genealogies differed from genealogies in the fifteenth century due to strengthened political content. The theories of Song Confucians about the genealogies were taken seriously and comprehensively, so Zhang Zai's idea of compiling genealogies was thought of highly while Su Xun's thought is still popular. Secondly, as for the process of compiling genealogies, there was a change in tendency from jiadie to liu-cun-pu. Thirdly, the best genealogy with abundant content and perfect form was Jiajing wenhua liushi shipu (The Genealogy of the Liu Clan from Wenhua County during Jiajin period) in the sixteenth century while the most famous scholar of genealogy was Zheng Kunshou. Fourthly, while the genealogy were still presented in internal and external forms, the patriarchal clan system became more influential in the sixteenth century. Lastly, the Japanese invasion during the sixteenth century destroyed the old genealogies; however, this stimulated the recompiling activities.
起訖頁 299-329
關鍵詞 十六世紀朝鮮族譜譜序修譜思想族譜編纂the sixteenth centurythe genealogies of Chosen dynastythe preface of genealogiesthe principles of compiling genealogiesthe compiling activities of genealogies
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 200312 (32期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 科舉文獻與「科舉學」
該期刊-下一篇 多元與辯證的時間觀--讀費爾南.勃羅代爾⋘歷史和社會科學:長時段⋙(History and the Social Sciences: The Longue Duree)




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