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The Tang-Song Transformation as Seen through the Change over the 'Law and Decree System'
作者 高明士
From the Warring States to the Qing-Han Times, China had been undergoing a process of combining 'Law and Decrees' with 'Rites and Penal Systems'. Originally they were separate, but with the development of written legal code, the thoughts on 'Rites and Penal Systems' were gradually integrated into 'Law and Decrees'. At this time, decrees were appended into laws. After the Western Jin Dynasty, as the strength of Scholar-Official clan increased, policy and law making had been Confucianized and Decrees had gradually been formalized. The formal decrees were only regulations, carrying no specific punishment and thus were differentiated form laws and statues. The relationships among the Rites, Decree and Law were as follows: Rites were absorbed into Laws and Decrees. Violation of Rites and Decrees were punishable by the Law. This practice lasted into Sui-Tang Times. The Law Code System had become more comprehensive and gradually matured into the 'Sino Law Systems' (or it may also be called as East Asian Law Cultural Sphere). But since the Song Dynasty, with the development of Chinese despotism, the Scholar-Official Clan society disintegrated. Emperor's ordinance and law had become the code of behavior and the decrees gradually lost its appeal. From the early Ming Dynasty, there were no formal Decree and afterwards, could be understood from the perspective of the change of law and decree system. This is another aspect of the so-called 'The Transformation from the Tang to Song Dynasty'.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 律令禮刑將然已然儒家化中華法系罪刑法定主義law and decreesrites and penal systemwould-be casehad-been caseConfucianizationSimo-law-systemthe principle of punishment according to law
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 200312 (32期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 嚴昏曉之節--古代中國關於白天與夜晚觀念的思想史分析




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