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Gender Differences on the Best Marriage Timing: A Simulation Match Study of Mate Selection by Taiwan Data
作者 張榮富 (Jung-Fu Chang)
This study applies the ”simulation matching model” for ”gender differences on the best marriage timing”. The best marriage timing includes two concepts: the successful mating rate (SMR) which represents the mating difficulty and the mate-selection benefit (MSB) which represents the marriage willingness. In the model, individual's mating resources (physical attractiveness and income) and marriage market (the quantity and quality of the marriageable partner and competitors) will change as individuals' age change. The study has found: (1) the peak of women's SMR comes earlier than men's, but it falls down faster than men's. (2) The peak of men's MSB comes earlier than women's. (3) The peak of men's MSB comes earlier than the peak of SMR. Therefore, those young men, who would be willing to marry earlier, may confront a lower marriage opportunities. (4) In contrast, the peak of women's MSB comes later than the peak of SMR. Therefore, some young women may miss their highest marriage chance in their earlier age and become never married because of waiting and expecting for the higher MSB later. (5) Taiwanese men and women confront a dilemma of marriage decision, in which the peak of MSB and the peak of SMR does not match together.
起訖頁 215-274
關鍵詞 擇偶模擬配對結婚年齡婚姻市場跨國婚姻matchmarriage agemarriage marketcross-national marriage
刊名 思與言  
期數 201112 (49:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 戰爭與和平:女性主義多元觀點評述




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